Seek God first
But seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well! Put God first in everything you do. Seek him with all your might and you will see how amazing and wonder-filled your life will be! I am so blessed cuz I have an amazing life. I'm not walking around shopping or what other people think is fun or exciting but my days are so fantasy like. Little things thrill me like Bumblebees, dragonflies and butterflies, pretty colors, the sunset, yada, yada, yada. I am so lucky that I can have fun and not need to be spending money just to make myself happy. Did you know that bumblebees are flying miracles? Yes scientist have studied bumblebees and they say that it is impossible for them to fly with their big ole heavy bodies and their tiny wings. So whenever I see a bumblebee, I know that's God!