
Showing posts from August, 2007

Seek God first

But seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well! Put God first in everything you do. Seek him with all your might and you will see how amazing and wonder-filled your life will be! I am so blessed cuz I have an amazing life. I'm not walking around shopping or what other people think is fun or exciting but my days are so fantasy like. Little things thrill me like Bumblebees, dragonflies and butterflies, pretty colors, the sunset, yada, yada, yada. I am so lucky that I can have fun and not need to be spending money just to make myself happy. Did you know that bumblebees are flying miracles? Yes scientist have studied bumblebees and they say that it is impossible for them to fly with their big ole heavy bodies and their tiny wings. So whenever I see a bumblebee, I know that's God!

With God anything is possible!

I can't describe how loved and safe I feel that if I let God be in control of my life that all I have to do is listen and obey. He does all the work! He gets all your people (divine connections and angel) and whatever you need to do what he wants you to do. So Pray! Listen! Obey! and Trust! Try it! you will be amazed and then you will say OK God what do you want me to do now? I'm ready!

Thanks God for being so amazing

Thanks God and Thanks Jesus for being so amazing that we can have salvation and heaven on earth now! We can watch TBN Trinity Broadcasting Network and pray in your living room and God can heal you there. Or you can call in for prayer and he hears your prayers. God is everywhere! 24/7 365 days a year. He will never leave us nor forsake us.

God provides me with free lamination to protect my stuff

I used a coupon at Office Max for free lamination on Thursdays for teachers. I teach people how to get healthier! happier! holier! So I got all my information on nutrition laminated for free. Do you know how much it costs to laminate 1 page I think it's about 2 bucks. I had at least 30 pages laminated for FREE! Thanks God! Thanks Office Max! and here is God letting me know that he's always giving me favor every where I go! Look at the 330 miles of laminating paper was provided for this free offer. Do you see God in this? Who measures paper in miles? Again Thanks God! and Thanks Office Max

That's the God in me!

I am not conceited I am just very confident that when people meet me, they see and tell me that I am one of the happiest people they have ever met. I just say "That's the God in me!" I have this LOVE! HAPPINESS! JOY! STRENGTH! PEACE! that radiates from me. I cant' help it I LOVE LIFE AND I'M HAPPY AND THANKFUL! I KNOW THAT JESUS CAME TO GIVE US LIFE IN ABUNDANCE TIL IT OVERFLOWS AND TO HAVE HEAVEN ON EARTH. I won't let you-know-who, the devil steal, kill or destroy MY JOY THAT JESUS SUFFERED FOR. NO WAY! GOD LOVES IT WHEN HIS CHILDREN ARE HAPPY JUST LIKE IF YOU ARE A GRANDPARENT, PARENT, ANUTIE OR UNCLE YOU LOVE IT WHEN YOUR KIDS ARE HAPPY. If you are filled with light, with no dark corners, then your whole life will be radiant, as though a floodlight is shining on you. Luke 11:36