Yada wear an INVISIBLE BUBBLE! PROTECT yourself from Cell Phone Dangers,

Yada wear an INVISIBLE BUBBLE! PROTECT yourself from Cell Phone Dangers Yada know…. I LOVE MY CELL PHONE and LAPTOP. I’m ABSOLUTELY AMAZED at technology… I MARVEL at what I can do with my phone; business, email, navigating, listening to music… watching YouTubes, webinars, seminars, movies, shopping… yada, yada, yada. Boy oh boy… what would I do without navigation? I’d be driving around in circles lost somewhere like the Israelites going round and round the same mountain for 40 years. But I’ve known for a long time that it wasn’t safe putting my phone to my ear. That’s way too close for comfort to my brain. That’s why I don’t talk holding the phone to my ear. Now I use earbuds and special protective device by QuantumScienceLife on my phone and laptop. I also wear a special necklace for extra protection. I’ll tell you about that later. I used to only talk if I could use speaker phone. If someone complained...