Yada wear an INVISIBLE BUBBLE! PROTECT yourself from Cell Phone Dangers,
Yada wear an INVISIBLE BUBBLE! PROTECT yourself from Cell Phone Dangers
Yada know…. I LOVE MY CELL PHONE and LAPTOP. I’m ABSOLUTELY AMAZED at technology… I MARVEL at what I can do with my phone; business, email, navigating, listening to music… watching YouTubes, webinars, seminars, movies, shopping… yada, yada, yada. Boy oh boy… what would I do without navigation? I’d be driving around in circles lost somewhere like the Israelites going round and round the same mountain for 40 years. But I’ve known for a long time that it wasn’t safe putting my phone to my ear. That’s way too close for comfort to my brain. That’s why I don’t talk holding the phone to my ear.
Now I use earbuds and special protective device by QuantumScienceLife on my phone and laptop. I also wear a special necklace for extra protection. I’ll tell you about that later. I used to only talk if I could use speaker phone. If someone complained that it didn’t sound good, I’d rather not talk, than to put it to my ear. Sorry sounds like I’m a picky picky princess but I just knew that it wasn’t good for me. But we NEED our cell phones and laptops right? for every… thing…. WE CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT THEM… But now There’s proof that they are killing us slowly. AHHHHH…… No more like ZZZZZZZZZZ with gamma rays… YIKES…
Yada know I share because I care, even if I have to scare you into taking better care of yourself and your families. You may know it already in your heart or you may just be ignoring it but CELL PHONES ARE CAUSING CANCER.
Lawyer Jimmy Gonzales CLICK HERE TO WATCHhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ka5v_HLMhxs recently died of cancer at the age of 42 that he himself says he got cancer from using his cell phone. He had cancer on his hand that he used to hold his cell phone, his ear that he listened with and in his heart where he put his cell phone in his breast pocket. There are more and more cases of cancers in areas on our bodies close to where cell phones are kept. And unfortunately there will be more because now everyone has them, even kids YIKES. When there weren’t as many cancers, there weren’t as many invisible rays bombarding us from all our amazing modern technology.
OTHER SYMPTOMS Unfortunately the list will grow longer, the longer we are exposed to EMF
Lowered Immunity that opens the door to all kinds of diseases and illnesses
Sleeping disorders
Mood Swings
Digestive Disorders
Sore joints
Headaches Migraines
Eyesight problems
The enemy (Satan) comes to steal, kill and destroy… so how do you think he comes to steal, kill and destroy our health, wealth and joy? Duhhhh by causing disease… and dis-ease lack of peace of mind. Disease steals our what is most precious and valuable to us; our loved ones, health, peace, time, and money. And if you’re a Christian and I hope you are, it can even steal your most cherished treasure of all. It can steal GOD away. It’s harder to pray and play when you don’t have energy. I don’t know about you but every.. second of my time and thoughts are treasured and count with GOD. It’s harder when you’re sick, in pain, not feeling well or too tired to praise and worship and be with GOD the way your SPIRIT really wants to. Not only is the enemy is getting to us thru Chemical Warfare thru our food and drinks, he is also according to Ephesians 2:2 Satan is the Prince of the Power of the Air. The enemy doesn’t fight fair.
Doesn’t it make sense that the Devil is using the invisible harmful rays to bombard our bodies constantly just like he likes to put negative fear based thoughts in our head? Hmmmm…. makes you think huh?
AHA… BUT… THERE’S HOPE… DUHHH Of course GOD doesn’t want the enemy to hurt us. GOD LOVES us. HE is our Fortress SHIELD and Rescuer. But HE also says his people are destroyed for lack of knowledge I learn from Drs. who want to heal and not medicate. One of my very good friends is Dr. Maria Sulindro in Pasadena. She’s a Medical Dr but uses Holistic Natural ways to heal. She’s one Dr that I know that really loves her patients and people. She loves to educate and empower her patients by giving seminars every month at her office.
That’s when I heard Priscilla Akana Robinson speak about the dangers of EMF - Electro Magnetic Field and RADIATION… YIKES… I KNEW IT.. but this confirmed it. I had been wanting to get some kind of EMF protection devise for a while. This one spoke to my SPIRIT. Yada know the only things that fight disease are Organic raw fruits and veggies and Alkaline water. What are you eating, drinking and doing that’s fighting disease? What are you eating, drinking and doing that causes disease? I know GOD always leads me to the best. That’s why I drink Kangen water, only eat Organic fruits, veggies and meat. And I know that I have to tell people about this EMF Protection.
If you know me, my prayer and cry to GOD is to help as many people get Better! Healthier! Wealthier! Leaner! Stronger! Younger! Happier! Funner! Freer! THE EASIEST MOST ENJOYABLE WAY POSSIBLE! GOD knows the problems, so of course, HE gives us solutions. Just like HE gives us ORGANIC RAW FRUITS AND VEGGIES AND ALKALINE WATER to fuel, energize, heal and immunize our bodies from disease. How much easier can it be to stick a small disc shield on your phone, laptop, wear a piece of Protective jewelry or plug a “Plug” in an outlet? to neutralize EMF in our homes? EASY….
I love to learn. But there’s so much information out now on every.. thing and anything AHHHH sometimes too much information. So I tell GOD to teach me like a 10 year old without all the information overload. I like it easy and simple. I read a whole bunch of scientific information. So this is Stacey Yada’s take on it. These devices are like an INVISIBLE PROTECTIVE FORCE FIELD PROTECTING US FROM THE HARMFUL RAYS. IT’S AN INVISIBLE PROTECTIVE BUBBLE.
But HONESTLY what THRILLS me most is I ALWAYS ASK GOD for Eyes to See, Ears to Hear, Heart to Feel and MOST IMPORTANTLY, BIBLE VERSE TO CONFIRM what HE wants me to do. I like to be like JESUS and say “It is Written.” And then HE gave me Daniel 3. It’s the story of the 3 boys Shadrach Meshach and Abednego where they were thrown into the fire because they wouldn’t bow down to other gods. Well when they came out, they weren’t touched by the fire and didn’t even smell like smoke. They didn’t even smell like smoke!!! Why? Because GOD was protecting them. So this was GOD telling me that when you put these devices on your phone, laptop on your body and in your home you won’t be harmed by the evil harmful rays.
“WOW GOD HOW DO YOU DO THAT?” I don’t know how GOD does it but HE always CONFIRMS every..thing with a BIBLE VERSE. I document the BIBLE VERSES that HE’S given me for every… thing… I mean every.. thing because it’s fun for me and fun for HIM. GOD loves THRILLING me.
I have a friend who is a believer in JESUS. I told him about this new product and he asked, “How do you know it works?” “Duhhh… I just told you, “GOD TOLD ME IN THE BIBLE… “ But I know people need proof. So there’s are tests that can show it works. There’s a physical strength test we can take that shows you are stronger when you have these devices on your phone or the jewelry on because now the harmful rays aren’t bombarding weakening and going thru our bodies… Excuse me don’t you think these rays can go thru our soft bodies if they travel thousands or millions? of miles thru air from satellite dishes in outer space or thru walls for the Cell phone towers, Internet.
So how does it work. Stacey Yada’s simple explanation is. It’s an invisible protective force field or protective bubble protecting you from the bad rays. Everything has energy, some more than others. The protective products from QuantumScienceLife are made with 76 natural minerals from Icelandic lava rock Imagine the POWER AND INTENSITY OF ENERGY COMING FROM A VOLCANO. Super Genius Scientists have embedded and harnessed the minerals with this energy and call it Scalar Energy. These minerals create a powerful but invisible (to the eye) force field of Negative ions (aka the Good Guys) surrounding the object or person creating a protective barrier so the positive ions (Bad Guys) can’t get thru them. YAAAY… And I know my prayer to GOD. It’s to help people get healthier THE EASIEST WAY POSSIBLE So I KNOW… how HE answers my prayers. How much easier can it get by wearing something or sticking a disc to your phone? Can’t get easier than that.
Ok that was the physical or natural flesh part of the story. But we are Physical and Spiritual beings. Of course, the enemy is attacking us spiritually thru all this technology. JESUS said HE gives us power to cast out demons. Yes… there are demons and evil spirits and they use the air to get to us. I can’t teach on the Spiritual or Demonic side of this subject better than one of GOD’S BEST Most Knowledgable and Powerful Deliverance Preachers and Teachers, Dr. Pat Holliday and her team with Sabrina Sessions and Marshall Perot. Oh.. my goodness… just her opening prayer will open your spiritual eyes to the demonic world. YIKES! She’s been teaching about and doing DELIVERANCE for years about almost every… subject and problem we can think of. But worse and most importantly, unfortunately and frighteningly are the ways the demonic world is getting to us that we DON’T KNOW ABOUT. You can find her 300+ teachings and live deliverances on Blogtalkradio.com/drpatholliday.
Right after I discover the horrible truth about the physical dangers of Electro Magnetic Field and Radiation, Dr. Pat “just happened….” to teach on the “New Field of Witchcraft” CLICK HERE TO LISTEN. Parents be aware. Parents are allowing demonic spirits to attack their kids and themselves thru video games, TV shows, movies and music. The enemy uses TV to send Subliminal messages to us. And don’t think that we aren’t influenced by demonic forces either, we grew up watching TV. Honestly, I feel we all need to be delivered. This is my opinion and sort of a joke but not really. Especially the people eating at McDonald’s Taco Bell, Jack in the Box, Del Taco all those fast food restaurants… You know they must be under demonic influence because that isn’t real food. YUK…. I would encourage everyone to listen, learn and do and be in agreement with the Deliverance prayer at the end. BUT THANKS BE TO GOD AND THE PRECIOUS POWERFUL BLOOD AND NAME OF JESUS aka YESHUA (JESUS is Jewish and that’s how HIS real name is pronounced) we can get deliverance over the phone, TV and internet. Ha! Take that Satan! What Satan uses to harm us GOD can turn it into good. And like GOD says CHOOSE LIFE!
What really THRILLED me is that at the end Dr. Pat prays for GOD to put us in a Spiritual Plastic Bag (I’m sure it’s BPA Free Ha Ha Right GOD?) or Bubble to protect us from the evil EMF spirits. Just like I want to physically put a “Bubble” Invisible Protective Force Field around all of us to protect us from the EMF and Radiation. I TOTALLY BELIEVE IN PRAYER and that’s my first defense and offense. But we have to do both, we are Physical and Spiritual beings. We can’t be fooling ourselves with vain imaginations. Like Christians asking GOD to bless their food of not the best or healthiest of choices so Ummm… maybe that’s why we have so many Christians that are overweight or need healing and miracles from diseases. GOD does the SUPER but we have to do the NATURAL. Just like GOD says always put on our Spiritual Armor, now we need to wear our EMF protection to protect us.
You can contact me, Stacey Yada at 951-533-5343 for more info or if you want to purchase the products. The products are a one time purchase because the power from the minerals does not wear out. We have disc shields for phones and laptops. Necklaces, watches, bracelets, water bottles and blankets. We also have a “plug” to plug into an outlet into your house that makes your house and office safe from the EMF that covers 5,000 sq feet. Of course, I’m totally protected. I joke with my friends that if they stand close enough to me they will be in my BUBBLE…
You can order products from www.quantumsciencelife.com. Don’t forget to mention my name Stacey Yada in the Notes box on Purchase page. Remember these products last a lifetime but not if you lose or break them. It’s one of the best most important investments for you and your family’s health.
Enthusiastically and Love!
Stacey Yada
Helping people be more SUPER... NATURALLY WONDERFUL
The Easiest, Most Enjoyable Way Possible to ENJOY HEAVEN ON EARTH! WHEEE!
I know people need facts so
Here’s a video showing that the product works
Dr. Devra Davis has lots of research on Cell phones and brain Cancer here’s a short 3 min video
Jimmy Gonzales testimony
Here’s an article by Joel M Moskowitz PhD UC Berkeley
Brain Tumor Rates Are Rising in the US: The Role of Cell Phone & Cordless Phone Use