
Showing posts from October, 2016

I'm not conceited, I'm GODFIDENT

I love JOURNALING.  It’s one of my FAVORITE things to do with GOD.  It’s Me and GOD talking.  I journal about OUR FUN every day adventures… and YES EVERY MOMENT with GOD is AMAZING… I live in CONTINUAL REVERENT AWE OF GOD.  I always ask GOD to take over my fingers to let HIM “talk” and HE does.  Here is what HE told me on the other day.  I’m sharing this not because I’m conceited.  I’m sharing this because I want everyone to know GOD the way I do.  When you get to know GOD the way I do, your life will be an AMAZING FUN ADVENTURE.  WHEEE! GOD Take over my fingers. Stace you AMAZE ME You make everything so fun, so about ME even if WHEEE are doing such mundane things.  Thank you Stace you are a pleasure to be around.  I have to hear most people complain moan and groan grumble dread and regret.  You? Once a thought comes in your head that’s not pleasant like Oh I have to throw out the trash, or I forgot something upstairs y...