I'm not conceited, I'm GODFIDENT
I love JOURNALING. It’s one of my FAVORITE things to do with GOD. It’s Me and GOD talking. I journal about OUR FUN every day adventures… and YES EVERY MOMENT with GOD is AMAZING… I live in CONTINUAL REVERENT AWE OF GOD. I always ask GOD to take over my fingers to let HIM “talk” and HE does. Here is what HE told me on the other day. I’m sharing this not because I’m conceited. I’m sharing this because I want everyone to know GOD the way I do. When you get to know GOD the way I do, your life will be an AMAZING FUN ADVENTURE. WHEEE!
GOD Take over my fingers.
Stace you AMAZE ME You make everything so fun, so about ME even if WHEEE are doing such mundane things. Thank you Stace you are a pleasure to be around. I have to hear most people complain moan and groan grumble dread and regret. You? Once a thought comes in your head that’s not pleasant like Oh I have to throw out the trash, or I forgot something upstairs you immediately kick it out and replace it with something positive. Like Thanks GOD for Daisy and Walter I get to live here and help them or I get to do more cardio… so Thank you Stace you're such a pleasure…
And I LOVE that you LOVE BEING with ME… You don’t ask for stuff you want or need, You already know that I’M going to get it for you. You mostly cry out for other people and their needs and souls… That’s commendable. And brings ME so much JOY because you really love and care about other people. And you care and love ME so that’s why you want them to get to know ME. The REAL ME… The FUN EXCITING LOVING SWEET KIND FUNNY THRILLING BESTEST FUNNEST DADDY IN THE WHOLE WORLD… THAT’S ME… AND of course CREATOR OF THE HEAVENS AND STARS….
But what I love the most is that you know ME as your Daddy who loves and adores you. Who watches you with delight wondering how are you going to surprise ME with the way you want to love on people. How you want to take care of everyone to make sure they are healthy and happy and HOLY so they can ENJOY HEAVEN ON EARTH… so I can ENJOY MY time with them instead of fixing their problems or listening to them complain or feel their pain… oh how it hurts ME more than they know…. You are right Stace it is frustrating so Thank you for understanding for caring how I feel.
Thank you for ENJOYING EVERY… THING WHEEE do even washing the dishes when WHEEE come home at night. For trying not to judge people because you know how the enemy works. Thank you for knowing how the enemy works. Thank you for praying for all the people you pray for even if you don’t think you are the best prayer warrior… it’s not the words, it’s the heart… I can feel your heart for people And you’re smart by speaking in tongues because you don’t want to give the devil a foothold. Thank you for having FUN WITH ME… THANK YOU for you being you… You’re not conceited you are just confident… no more… like GODFIDENT… you do give ME all the GLORY…..
Stace I will confirm what I said this in MY WORD.
Then I “JUST HAPPENED…UPON” this BIBLE VERSE after GOD took over my fingers. And HE used the word GODFIDENCE. GOD YOU AMAZE ME… HOW DO YOU DO THAT?
1 Corinthians 10:12 (MSG)
11-12 These are all warning markers—danger!—in our history books, written down so that we don’t repeat their mistakes. Our positions in the story are parallel—they at the beginning, we at the end—and we are just as capable of messing it up as they were. Don’t be so naive and self-confident. You’re not exempt. You could fall flat on your face as easily as anyone else. Forget about self-confidence; it’s useless. Cultivate God-confidence.
Then I also “JUST HAPPENED…UPON” ACTS 7 And it was about Stephen FULL of the HOLY SPIRIT and YOU did say that YOU would confirm that I heard YOU… and then YOU put the word FOOTHOLD…YOU always confirm with what I call clue key words. GOD YOU AMAZE ME… I LOVE YOU GOD… YOU ARE SO FUN…
Stephen, Full of the Holy Spirit
7 Then the Chief Priest said, “What do you have to say for yourself?”2-3 Stephen replied, “Friends, fathers, and brothers, the God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was still in Mesopotamia, before the move to Haran, and told him, ‘Leave your country and family and go to the land I’ll show you.’4-7 “So he left the country of the Chaldees and moved to Haran. After the death of his father, he immigrated to this country where you now live, but God gave him nothing,
not so much as a foothold.
I hope this helps you get to know GOD as OUR BESTEST FUNNEST DADDY IN HEAVEN. I hope it makes you want to speak in tongues our HEAVENLY LANGUAGE with GOD because the enemy doesn’t understand what GOD is telling our SPIRIT. Speaking in our HEAVENLY LANGUAGE is GOD empowering us to know HIM and do what HE sent us to do here for HIM and HIS KINGDOM. And no complaining Just PRAISE AND THANK GOD FOR EVERY.. THING. I want everyone to know GOD so you will LOVE HONOR OBEY AND ENJOY GOD. HE created us to ENJOY HEAVEN ON EARTH… THANK YOU JESUS! THANK YOU GOD FOR LOVING US SO.... MUCH!