WARNING BUT SOLUTION to us and US. The United States is going to feel like it’s SINKING and DROWNING BUT I WILL come and BREATHE life back into them.” PRAY so we can go outside and PLAY again. YAAAAY GOD reminded me of this VISION CAUGHT on CAMERA HE gave me YEARS… ago about a WARNING to us and US. HE wanted me to post it again on FB. I found it in my memories but as I read it HE gave me new REVELATION. You know how GOD can THRILL us with new different revelation on the same BIBLE VERSE every time we read it. So years ago I was riding my Mtn Bike in the Forest. Then I saw THIS!!! a DEFLATED United States FLOATIE in the MIDDLE of the FOREST. There aren’t any lakes, rivers or homes nearby. So I KNEW it was GOD giving me a message. I asked HIM, “GOD what does this mean? GOD answered, “Stace, The United States is going to feel like it’s SI...