WARNING BUT SOLUTION to us and US. The United States is going to feel like it’s SINKING and DROWNING BUT I WILL come and BREATHE life back into them.”  PRAY so we can go outside and PLAY again.  YAAAAY

   GOD reminded me of this VISION CAUGHT on CAMERA HE gave me YEARS… ago about a WARNING to us and US.   HE wanted me to post it again on FB. I found it in my memories but as I read it HE gave me new REVELATION.  You know how GOD can THRILL us with new different revelation on the same BIBLE VERSE every time we read it. 
  So years ago I was riding my Mtn Bike in the Forest.  Then I saw THIS!!!  a DEFLATED United States FLOATIE in the MIDDLE of the FOREST.  There aren’t any lakes, rivers or homes  nearby.  So I KNEW it was GOD giving me a message.  I asked HIM, “GOD what does this mean?  GOD answered, “Stace, The United States is going to feel like it’s SINKING and DROWNING BUT I WILL come and BREATHE life back into them.”  
  YIKES. Do you know what a HORRIFIC feeling not being able to BREATHE feels like?  So the NEW REVELATION and MESSAGE HE gave me with this is.  
COVID attacks the lungs thru out the Whole World, 
George Floyd was suffocated in front of the whole world,
and now we are being brainwashed by fear to wear face masks… 
What do all these things have in common?  

  Right away GOD reminded me it was HIM that breathed HIS life into us 

then the LORD GOD formed [that is, created the body of] man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being 
[an individual complete in body and spirit]. 
Genesis 2:7 Amplified Bible (AMP)

and now how important HIS BREATH, HIS IMAGE is going to be for  us and U.S.  We The People.  
 “Let’s create man in OUR IMAGE.”  We are SUPPOSED to be like GOD, JESUS and HOLY SPIRIT.  Not in the image of Satan and demonic spirits like some of the people who are RIOTING LOOTING DESTROYING SHOOTING KILLING BURNING YELLING SCREAMING THREATENING 
GOD spoke: “Let US make human beings in OUR image, 
make them reflecting OUR nature
       GOD created human beings;
       HE created them godlike,
    Reflecting GOD’S nature.
        HE created them male and female.
    GOD blessed them:
        Genesis 1:26-27 Message Translation

  And ANOTHER REVELATION?  What’s happening in the natural is what’s happening in the spiritual. The Evil are TEARING DOWN STATUES. 
 GOD asking us to tear down any Statues, Idols we have in our lives.  GOD is a jealous GOD.  HE knows if we put more importance on anyone or anything other than HIM and our CLOSE INTIMATE FUN RELATIONSHIP with HIM that the Enemy will be able to use it against us sooner or later. What’s your IDOL? Career Fame Money Power Home, Stuff, Sports, 6 pack beer or Abs, Celebrities, Food, Porn, Netflix.  Even our Family and friends can become an idol where we want to please them more than GOD.  We need to ask GOD to show us what our idols are so we can repent and get rid of them.
  Even though it doesn’t seem like it right now because of all this CHAOS going on, I feel GOD is going to make AMERICA BETTER THAN WE CAN IMAGINE.  Not just GREAT AGAIN. America was not great behind the scenes.  With all my never-ending shocking research with the Satanic Corrution of World leaders, Politicians, Celebrities, Athletes, Central Bank System, US Debt, Sex Trafficking Satanic Ritual Sacrifice and Abuse of Babies and Children, Money Laundering, Declining health of Americans, Addiction to Pharmaceuticals, GMO’s, Chemtrails, Autism, Education Aye ye ye the list goes on .  
I don’t think America was great.  So Make America Great Again.  Especially know what’s been going on behind the scenes.  BUT now that GOD is using Q, Trump and Patriots around the World, HE is going to make US BETTER THAN WE CAN IMAGINE.  When We The People of The US get better, the whole world will get better because We The People affect and influence the Whole World.   
  GOD only wants whats truly the best for us. That's why HE sent JESUS here to die... to die for us so we could go to HEAVEN and ENJOY HEAVEN ON EARTH.  PRAY so we can go outside and PLAY.   YAAAAAAY

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