CHRIS MARTING BELIEVES ME NOW CUZ HE WITNESSED THIS ONE HIMSELF!! FINALLY! PROOF! This picture shows how awesome God is! Thanks God! My ex-husband whose last name just happens to be Martin called me to tell me that he was a little nervous cuz he going to work for this Christian Gym called Pure Fitness but he's not sure he's qualified enough. I told him he's going to be awesome and that's a great name for a Christian gym. then he had to hang up cuz his new boss was calling. Less than one minute later, this truck pulls up next to me and I say "Hey... didn't I just hear Pure and hey... that's his last name" Aaahhh pull out the camera phone CLICK! THANKS GOD! and then I send the picture to him. He calls me back a little later and says your not going to believe this but I just had lunch with my boss at "WHOLE FOODS"! I told him that is God telling you that you're going to do awesome! I remember when I first became a believer and I would tell him my stories and he'd say Stace... those are just coincidences. Me... Naaa ahhhh they are real... I see it all the time I know it's God! What's great is that he saw it with his own eyes now. and I'm sure glad that I got the whole name in martinpurefoods. cuz I almost tried to zoom in just to get the martinpure but God must have wanted him to see the foods part. THANKS GOD YOU ARE SO AWESOME I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY MIGHT!THANK YOU FOR LOVING ME THE WAY YOU DO CUZ YOU KNOW I NEED AND LOVE THE POSITIVE REINFORCEMENTS ALL THE TIME. I SURE AM GLAD THAT I CAN CRY NOW AND NOT MESS UP MY MAKEUP! I JUST DON'T WANT ANYONE TO SEE ME CRY AND THINK I'M SAD! WHAT A BLESSED AND WONDER-FILLED DAY I CAN HARDLY WAIT TIL TOMORROW BUT... I WILL ENJOY AND TREASURE EVERY MOMENT TODAY!! THIS IS WILL BE INGRAINED IN MY HEART FOREVER! AND EVER!