Saltwater Snorkel Swimming Pool with Underground Sanctuary

     My son SUPER... NATURALLY WONDERFUL son lives in Kona, HI.  I love to snorkel when I visit.  Snorkeling is so peaceful, tranquil, fulfilling, exhilarating and invigorating at the same time.  I can't get enough.  When I snorkel I'm in ABSOLUTE AWE of GOD and HIS CREATION and CREATIVITY... Have you seen all the different color combination fish and sea life?  GOD even made them swim differently.  
      I wish I could snorkel every day.  But I live in California.  There is no way I'm going to swim in the ocean near California.  The water is too polluted for me.  And because I know about health and disease.  Our skin is our most absorbent and biggest organ on our body.  Whatever you put on your skin gets absorbed into and goes thru your liver.  I was a competitive swimmer from the age of 5 thru my 20's I was in Chlorinated pool water every day for over 20 years.  That's how my liver got messed up.  For years, I've had to diligently rejuvenate my liver by detoxing and taking supplements.  
       One day I told GOD I wish I could snorkel every day.  HE told me to start believing HIM for my SALTWATER SNORKEL SWIMMING POOL WITH UNDERGROUND SANCTUARY.  Huh?  Yes GOD said believe HIM my SALTWATER SNORKEL SWIMMING POOL WITH UNDERGROUND SANCTUARY.  I know that was GOD because I could not make that up in my mind. So I told HIM then I need a picture... I need a picture because I'm not good at envisioning something.  When I close my eyes, I see black.  So the very next morning, I get on the train to go to work and TA-DAHHHH right there in front of me is this picture.... It  actually looks like me (with a bulky jacket) and my son from behind and we looking at a big giant aquarium SALTWATER SNORKEL SWIMMING POOL WITH UNDERGROUND SANCTUARY.  So now I'm just waiting for it to manifest.  I don't know how GOD is going to do it.  But I'm waiting with JOYFUL EXPECTANCY.... And I can hardly wait to have worship there WHEEE... HEAVEN ON EARTH.... THANKS GOD!

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