GOD'S HAND and Angels instead of weapons

As a friend is showing me his best “Wax on Wax off moves from the "Karate Kid" movie and tells me that he’ll be able to protect me from the enemy aka all the evil in The End Times of the BIBLE.   I tell him, “Ok Danielson.  Ummmm don’t take it personal but I’d rather have GOD'S Angels protecting me than you.”  
WHENEVER someone brings up the subject of all the horror going on or our country getting attacked, GOD will ALWAYS quickly reassure me by giving me a BIBLE VERSE and sign and wonder telling me, we will be protected.  We meaning my Christian family and friends and Christians in the United States covered by the PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS.  My SPIRIT totally knows without a doubt that I will be protected because I have a DIVINE calling that HE has revealed to me.  Here is the BIBLE VERSE TO CONFIRM and EYES TO SEE…. 

[ A Light for the Nations ] Listen, far-flung islands, pay attention, faraway people: GOD put me to work from the day I was born. The moment I entered the world HE named me. He gave me speech that would cut and penetrate. HE kept HIS hand on me to protect me. HE made me his straight arrow and hid me in HIS quiver. HE said to me, “You’re MY dear servant, Israel, through whom I’ll shine.” 

HE IMMEDIATELY ALWAYS gives me a BIBLE VERSE to reassure that we are safe.  Why? First to THRILL me because I am always in REVERENT AWE OF HIM squealing with delight, GOD HOW DO YOU DO THAT? And then because HE HATES FEAR.  HE knows what happens when fear takes over.  CHAOS.  And then our attention is taken off of HIM and on to all the evil going on and the “what ifs?”  GOD doesn’t want us to be thinking and talking more about the evil and enemy.  HE tells us to focus on the HIM and THE GOOD HE DOES.  
I LOVE that GOD like a LOVING DADDY IN HEAVEN FATHER GOD who is also KING AND CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE will give me a BIBLE VERSE to settle my heart.  It’s also because HE has chosen me to document OUR Super Natural Signs and Wonders games WHEE (me and GOD) play.  Like “HIDE and SEEK” HE hides the Signs and Wonders and I SEEK HIM and playing PUZZLES.  HE gives me the Eyes to See, Ears to Hear, Heart to Feel and most importantly BIBLE VERSE TO CONFIRM.  
And I don’t mean I personally know a BIBLE VERSE to confirm what answer I want or need.  I know the addresses of the BIBLE VERSE addresses either.  NO I mean HE does it SUPER…NATURALLY to where I will “JUST HAPPEN” to open my BIBLE to the one word or sentence or paragraph or chapter that HE… wants me to see.  People who know the BIBLE VERSES can have a religious argument to back up their point of view.  The Devil knows the BIBLE better than we do.  So he can “whisper” in our ear and give us the BIBLE VERSE we want or need to prove our point or discussion and we might think that’s HOLY SPIRIT guiding us.  Sometimes yes but sometimes no.  BUT ONLY GOD… can direct our fingers and control our eyeballs and guide us to the exact page with the words HE wants to give us.  So that’s how HE makes my BIBLE HIS LIVING WORD COME ALIVE.  
GOD does that for me ALL THE TIME.  I hope HE does it for you too.  But HE ABSOLUTELY THRILLS ME EVERY..TIME I OPEN MY BIBLE.  I don’t know how HE does it but HE does.  Its like WHEEE (me and GOD) are always having a conversation, not just reading the BIBLE or BIBLE STUDY.  Nope just having constant communication and a normal conversation or answers to my questions.  
Ok so back to Danielson, he’s probably fallen over by now trying to hold that famous crane pose on one leg.  EVERY SINGLE TIME someone, even preachers bring up the subject of us needing guns to protect ourselves or the subject of us being attacked or World War III, GOD “JUST HAPPENS” to “GIVE” me a BIBLE VERSE.  Like just the other day 2 friends were talking about the bombing of Syria and the beginning of World War III.  It’s not that I don’t think bad things will happen and people will die because it does say in the BIBLE bad things will happen.   But I know GOD always tells me, we are protected.  Then the next morning TA-DAHHHH I JUST HAPPENED to open my BIBLE to 
Matthew 26:52-54 (MSG)
Jesus said, “Put your sword back where it belongs. All who use swords are destroyed by swords. Don’t you realize that I am able right now to call to my Father, and twelve companies—more, if I want them—of fighting angels would be here, battle-ready? But if I did that, how would the Scriptures come true that say this is the way it has to be?”

AND THEN… HE gives me this as I spontaneously drove somewhere.  OH… HOW DO YOU DO THAT GOD?  YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING…

And then HE gives me this BIBLE VERSE when a friend warned me when I go to Hawaii to go visit my son I won’t be able to go snorkeling because of all the radiation from Fukushima. I’m like “Duhhh… GOD wouldn’t send me to Hawaii and not let me go snorkeling…  That’s one of OUR FAVORITE THINGS TO DO…. in Hawaii.  HE WILL PROTECT ME.    

Psalm 32:7 (MSG)
GOD’S my island hideaway, keeps danger far from the shore, 
throws garlands of hosannas around my neck. 

GOD knows that I was going to write this today so that’s why HE gave me the personalized license plate above to also CONFIRM again that HE WILL PROTECT ME.  HE will keep danger far away from me when I’m snorkeling.  THANK YOU GOD.  YOU’RE THE BESTEST FUNNEST DADDY.  
And this morning HE gave me these.

JESUS said, “I know. I saw Satan fall, a bolt of lightning out of the sky. See what I’ve given you? Safe passage as you walk on snakes and scorpions, and protection from every assault of the Enemy. No one can put a hand on you. All the same, the great triumph is not in your authority over evil, but in GOD’S authority over you and presence with you. Not what you do for GOD but what GOD does for you
—that’s the agenda for rejoicing.”

John 17:13-19 9 (MSG)
Now I’m returning to YOU. I’m saying these things in the world’s hearing So MY people can experience MY joy completed in them. I gave them YOUR word; The godless world hated them because of it, Because they didn’t join the world’s ways, 
Just as I didn’t join the world’s ways. I’m not asking that YOU take them out of the world But that YOU guard them from the Evil One. They are no more defined by the world Than I am defined by the world. Make them holy—consecrated—with the truth; YOUR word is consecrating truth. In the same way that YOU gave me a mission in the world, I give them a mission in the world. I’m consecrating MYSELF for their sakes 
So they’ll be truth-consecrated in their mission.

So let’s keep our focus on JESUS. GOD didn't send JESUS to condemn us but to save us.  John 3:17.  Don’t be like the world because THANKFULLY we are not of the world.  That also means because we are not of this world then we should LOVE HONOR OBEY and APPRECIATE GOD.  HE PROTECTS HIS CHILDREN.

Philippians 4:8-9 (NKJV)
Meditate on These Things
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in ME, these do, and the GOD OF PEACE will be with you.

       Maybe now my friend will stop trying to pull bark off of a tree with his bare hands.  He says that's what they do to practice the Kung Fu grip.  Aye ye ye.  

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