40 Day JESUS Water Fast in Egypt = 5 Star Generals
40 Day JESUS water Fast in Egypt?
We want to be 5 Star Generals
GOD said. “Stace If you want to be like JESUS then you have to do what JESUS did. FAST for 40 DAYS! I answered, “Huh? Are you kidding? 40 DAYS! NO GOD… PLEASE DON’T MAKE ME….“ But I knew it. And I’ve been asking GOD what do I have to do for YOU to use me to do MIRACLES. I want to see MIRACLES. HEALINGS and DELIVERANCE. I knew it the day I first read that in the BIBLE when I became a believer almost 14 years ago June 2nd 2004 @ 4:20 pm. If JESUS had to fast for 40 days, we as Christians surely need to. This is one of those moments when I have the PEACE THAT SURPASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING. But still wanted to cry. Or I could just be CRAZY. Honestly, I don’t know how I’m going do it. BUT I TRUST GOD. GOD wouldn’t ask me to do something HE didn’t know I, no I mean WHEEE (me and GOD) couldn’t do.
My brother in Christ and great friend Tim and I recently did the 3 day Esther Fast no food, no water… YUP NO FOOD NO WATER for 3 days. It was easier than I thought. We were hungering and thirsting for GOD and wanted breakthroughs in our lives. My friend kept saying he was hungry. I told him, “Don"t say that. That’s a waste of time. It doesn’t make it better. It makes it worse. You know what we have to do. So let’s just do it.” We FASTED, PRAYED, LISTENED and WATCHED preachers on YouTube (THANK YOU GOD FOR THE INTERNET because we can get YOU 24/7), WORSHIPPED, READ our BIBLES and MARVELED how GOD makes it COME ALIVE, SLEPT a little more than usual. Got REVELATIONS from GOD. Got some DELIVERANCE. CRIED in HIS PRESENCE. Isn’t that what we LIVE FOR? WE LOVED IT. ALL OUR FOCUS WAS ON GOD. It was SUPER NATURALLY WONDERFUL.
Do you know what’s the first thing we wanted to eat or drink? Nope it wasn’t steak or ice cream. It was The Master Cleanse Detox. Spicy lemonade. Spicy Lemonade? YUP. We could hardly wait till we drank our Spicy Lemonade. We’ve been doing the Detox for a while and our bodies CRAVE IT. So we celebrated with Spicy Lemonade. WOOO HOOO.
But now we were CRAVING MORE OF GOD. One day I was with my girlfriend and we saw a PERSONALIZED LICENSE PLATE that said 3STARS. I thought 3 Stars? I know GOD and how HE talks to me. HMMMM I wonder what that means? BOOOO I bummed though but I didn’t get the picture of the license plate. If you know me GOD gives me what I call “Visions Caught on Camera.” WHEEE (me and GOD) play GAMES like PUZZLES and HIDE and SEEK. HE hides HIS SIGNS and WONDERS and I SEEK HIM. Deep down, I mean deep down because I’ve been trying to keep it from coming up, I knew in my SPIRIT, GOD was calling me to do the 40 Day JESUS FAST.
I was led to watch a YouTube by Jentezen Franklin known for Fasting. He said some times preachers say NEW LEVEL NEW DEVIL so that makes people afraid to MOVE UP in the RANKS as a CHRISTIANS because they don’t want to go up AGAINST BIGGER DEMONS. But then he said when we go to war who is battling at the frontline fighting for their lives? The new recruits. He said you can’t get to the 5 STAR GENERALS. because they are HEAVILY PROTECTED. 5 STAR GENERALS? Remember the Personalized license plate 3STARS? That was the PUZZLE for OUR (Me and GOD’S) HIDE and SEEK game. OH GOD YOU’RE SO FUN. So in the SPIRITUAL REALM we will be MORE PROTECTED the HIGHER we go. When I heard 5 STAR GENERALS,
GOD said, “Stace, You and Tim are 3 STAR GENERALS for doing the 3 Day Esther Fast but you will be 5 STAR GENERALS when you do the 40 Day JESUS FAST.
I shared that with Tim and he wanted to DELETE the words FAST and 40 from his vocabulary. Then a couple days later, he solemnly said, “Yeah GOD wants us to do the 40 day JESUS Water Fast.” Our SPIRITS were CELEBRATING WOOO HOOO LET’S DO IT but OH… our FLESH was saying NOOOOOOO. ARE WE CRAZY? WE'RE GOING TO DIE! But isn’t that what we all want as Christians want. We want to CRUCIFY our flesh. JESUS did it for us PHYSICALLY and SPIRITUALLY.
I’ve done the 21 day water fasts 3 times. That’s when you find out that you are more SPIRIT than FLESH! Fasting EMPOWERS you against the ENEMY. When I got hungry I would just say “SPIRITS DON’T NEED FOOD” and then I wouldn’t be hungry anymore. And GOD answered another prayer of mine. When I did the 21 days fasts it was in December and January and the weather is cold. BRRRR When you are fasting your body is cold because there is no food in it. I hate being cold because all I want to do is stay in my warm bed . But that doesn’t make your body feel good and it’s not healthy.
So guess what? Tim and I both JUST HAPPEN to have to go to NICE HOT ARIZONA. Me to visit one of my best friends and business. Tim has family he’s reconnecting with and business. But ARIZONA? GOD… Stacey Yada doesn’t like the DESERT. YUK! I’m a California and Hawaii girl. But GOD’S ORCHESTRATION and TIMING IS ALWAYS PERFECT. So GOD made sure I wouldn’t be freezing and then HE won’t have to hear me complain. GOD YOU take such good care of me..
OH and on the last day of our 3 day Esther fast. GOD gave me this BIBLE VERSE that resonated in my heart I was supposed to go even though I really didn’t want to.
Genesis 46:3-4 (MSG)
GOD said, “I am GOD of your father. Don’t be afraid of going down to Egypt (aka Arizona). I’m going to make you a great nation there. (build my Kangen water business team and ministry) I’ll go with you down to Egypt (aka Arizona), I’ll also bring you back here. (California)
And because its FUN for HIM and FUN for me. GOD THRILLS me AGAIN with another Sign and Wonder, like I WONDER…. HOW DO YOU DO THAT GOD? GOD knew the enemy was trying to get me not to go. I really didn’t have to go if I didn’t want to. But I “JUST HAPPENED” to go spontaneously to the gym that night. I see this guy with a tattoo on his calf. I knew that was GOD. WHY WOULD ANYONE PUT AN EGYPTIAN PHARAOH ON THEIR CALF? So just to let me know HE wanted me to go, HE THRILLS me. OK GOD I’m going to Egypt aka Arizona. So were off to Egypt. I have no idea what's going to happen there but I know it's going to ANOTHER AMAZING ADVENTURE!