Don't FEED the Evil Sugar Monsters? EWWWWW Because they POOP in your BODY

      CANDIDA?  A Candida street sign  Are YOU kidding me?  GOD SPANKS ME AGAIN.  But I KNEW HE would.  This time GOD “SPANKED” me with this Street sign that says Candida. Because the night before, STACEY YADA ATE CAKE.  Yeah Stacey Yada ATE CAKE at our CHURCH Christmas party.  You would think “What’s the big deal?”  But I knew when I ate the cake at the CHURCH Christmas party HE would “spank” me.  Why? Because EVERYONE at my CHURCH knows that I don’t eat THAT STUFF.  THAT STUFF meaning Cakes Cookies, Candy, Chips, Ice Cream, Donuts, Sweets Pastries, Bread, Pasta, Tortillas, Pasteurized Milk anything with sugar, white flour or processed foods because I know it feeds Candida or what I call EVIL SUGAR MONSTERS that causes lots lots and lots of health problems.  
     Everyone at my CHURCH would see me bringing and eating my own ORGANIC Raw Rainbow Veggies with Spinach, Ground Turkey and my own SUPER DELICIOUS homemade Dressing called “Licking The Bowl” (because it’s that SUPER DELICIOUS and NUTRITIOUS you want to “Lick The Bowl” that I will be launching soon)  They would always tell and tempt me (even though they think there were just being nice), “Stace you can eat this stuff once a while.”  But I KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT I KNOW, what GOD wants me to eat and MOST IMPORTANTLY what HE doesn’t want me to eat.  So I wouldn’t give in and eat it.  
     BUT this time I gave in because it was the Christmas party, and I KNEW GOD was going to make me do a “just water fast” in the beginning of the year.  So I ATE CAKE.  I remember everyone GASPING, saying “STACEY’S EATING CAKE!”  I said, “WATCH GOD IS GOING TO “SPANK“ ME!”  And HE sure did.  
     The next day I went riding my bike up in a neighborhood I’ve never been to.  I can SENSE GOD leading me.  Left here, up this hill, right here WHEEE GOD I love riding OUR bike.  Ooooh this is an awesome neighborhood I love the steep hills and then YIKES!!  I see this street sign CANDIDA   YUP GOD “SPANKED” me for eating cake.  Click!  Take a picture of the Candida Street sign what I call “Visions caught on Camera”.  Documentation beats conversation.  And it’s a Sign and Wonder from GOD. Literally a sign, a street sign and wonder Hmmm I wonder HOW’D YOU DO THAT?  But it’s FUN for GOD and it’s FUN for me. Even when HE has to “spank” me, because I know it’s for my own good.   
     Why the big deal with CANDIDA and cake?  Because GOD KNOWS EVERY SINGLE INGREDIENT IN EVERY… THING WE EAT, DRINK and BREATHE.  GOD knows the future so HE knows what it can do to our bodies later.  GOD has healed me from Lung Cancer HIS WAY thru changing my diet.  I had to cut out the sugar in ALL forms.   Sugar feeds Cancer cells and causes disease and body fat.  Candida aka “The Evil Sugar Monsters.” is a fungus that we mostly get from Antibiotics. Antibiotics kills the bad bacteria but it also kills our good bacteria that we need to be healthy.  Candida CRAVES and GROWS on SUGAR and causes lots and lots of health problems. Studies show Sugar is more addictive than Cocaine and Heroine.  Cocaine and Heroine excite 1 part of our brain.  Sugar excites 8 parts.  Sugar also increases inflammation which means increases illnesses and diseases but also pain.    
     I also kept emphasizing CHURCH in the beginning of my story because lots of Christians have turned to food for COMFORT and SOCIAL reasons because they try not to drink alcohol, smoke or  drugs.  BUT the Enemy is still tricking us into thinking FOOD is ok.  But isn’t that the OLDEST TRICK in THE BOOK.  Satan used an apple and that’s how all the trouble started.  It was the first thing he tempted JESUS with.  The enemy is using FOOD as a DRUG.  Our country is under the influence of food, chemicals, drugs  (Pharmaceuticals and Illegal).  GOD told me one day, 

      If MY PEOPLE can’t stop eating the stuff that’s causing DISEASE how are they going to resist taking the Mark of the Beast when they are STARVING.  
Don’t get mad at me I’m just The Messenger.  

     Dr. Medici (one of the “Drs. that wants to heal and not medicate” that GOD led me to learn from) JUST HAPPENED to be teaching about the DANGERS OF CANDIDA that week.   The very same week that I JUST HAPPENED to eat cake when I don’t eat cake, see the Candida street sign that GOD spanked me with and now Dr. Medici is teaching about the DANGERS OF CANDIDA.  It was an hour long show about CANDIDA.  If Dr. Medici is teaching, it’s important to our health.  I had no idea how horrible Candida could be until I listened to this.    Click here to listen
      People can get sick with disease and dis- ease (lack of peace of mind.) When you think of it, lack of peace of mind is the worse.  Most people’s HEART'S DESIRE is to have PEACE.  You can’t have true peace when you are sick or tired or in pain.  But I didn’t know people can die from Candida, if it gets out of control.  Dr. Medici went on to explain the dangers of Candida.  It’s a fungus, yeast, a living organism that grows in your body that craves sugar.  IT makes you crave sugar.  So most people think they have no self control but this is actually a living organism (the Evil Sugar Monsters) CRAVING, DEMANDING SUGAR. Most people will try not to eat the sugary foods but they give in and eat the whole bag of chips or box of cookies.  Then that also makes us mad at ourselves causing more dis-ease.  And.. the sugar or white stuff processed food causes disease and body fat.  It’s near impossible to fight the cravings.  The more you feed the Evil Sugar Monsters, they more they grow and then the more sugar they DEMAND.  
      This is the GROSS part.  Because Candida aka the Evil Sugar Monsters is a living organism, after it eats, it has to POOP.  YES THEY POOP IN YOUR BODY.  YUK… DISGUSTING.  I also learned that people who go in the hospital with Candida can DIE. YUP they are fed hospital food that feeds the Candida/Evil Sugar Monsters, then the Candida organism POOPS in their body, their immune system is already compromised and they can easily catch a germ  or virus and DIE.  
WOW I didn’t know how DANGEROUS CANDIDA could be.  WOW GOD that’s why YOU don’t want me to eat THAT STUFF.  THAT’S WHY YOU SPANKED ME.  THANK YOU GOD. Its because YOU truly LOVE me
      Then I had an AHA MOMENT. I learned from Dr. Medici lots of people have Candida Overgrowth and not know it.  They can eat a piece of toast and be “FOGGY-BRAINED” from the TOXINS in the Candida/Evil Sugar Monsters POOP for up to 6 hours.  AHA THAT’S WHAT MY ROOMMATE HAS.  Candida Overgrowth.   My roommate worked at home.  I would watch her with AMAZEMENT even ENVY because I would see her on her computer then go thru her files… back and forth back and forth.  I couldn’t work from home because I’m not that disciplined and diligent.  I told GOD, “ WOW GOD she’s so DILIGENT.”  Then GOD said, “She’s not diligent, she forgets where she puts things.  She has Candida Overgrowth.”  Then HE showed me what she eats.  MOSTLY WHITE STUFF.   
      “GOD how am I going to tell her she has Candida Overgrowth?  I surely can’t tell her “Oh I think you should go to the Dr. and get tested for Candida Overgrowth?”  Yeah right.  But I hate that she’s losing and constantly looking for stuff.  Working harder than she has to.  THEN the very next day.. the very next day.  I get an email from Dr. OZ. titled “The reason why you are really exhausted”  And my roommate was always exhausted.  It was about Candida!  and it gave a SIMPLE AT HOME TEST for CANDIDA.  It was easy.  Have an 8 oz glass of water sitting on your sink, 1st thing in the morning then you have to make yourself cough up lots of phlegm and spit in in the glass.  If the phlegm floats at the top, you don’t have Candida Overgrowth.  If it sinks to the bottom or floats at the top but has parts dripping down, you have Candida.  
      WOW THANKS GOD… HOW DO YOU DO THAT?  YOU provided me a way to have my roommate “take” a Candida Overgrowth test at home and for FREE.  I don’t have to tell my roommate “Ummm GOD told me you have Candida Overgrowth and I think you should go to the Dr and get a test.”  NO YOU made it so easy and FREE.  I did the test and I didn’t have Candida Overgrowth.  She did the test and she had it.  I told her the bad side effects of having Candida Overgrowth.  But the good news is she can get rid of it.  She asked what does she have to do to get rid of it.  I told her I would guide her thru some detoxes.  But she said "No."  Oh well I tried.  
     EWWW Now it gets even GROSSER….  I had to be sitting in the car with a friend every day for a while.  I noticed this STINKY YUKKY SMELL.  I didn’t think it was him because I know he’s a very clean person and takes daily showers.  BUT I COULDN’T keep IGNORING THAT SMELL so I would have to roll down the windows every so often to let out THAT SMELL.  I couldn’t help from getting disgusted with THAT SMELL.  Finally I told him, “I don’t mean to be mean but you smell like an old person.”    That was the best way I could describe it. 
Then GOD told me what that smell really was.  I surely wouldn’t be able to come up with this.  I know it was GOD.  I said, “EWWW I know what it is.  You smell like Candida Overgrowth Evil Sugar Monsters POOP!  EWWWW It’s COMING OUT OF YOUR PORES.”  His diet consists of a lot white stuff.  Pasta, Ramen, Udon, breads bagels Sandwiches, Sweets… I know that was GOD giving me that revelation. EWWWW CANDIDA EVIL SUGAR MONSTERS OVERGROWTH POOP.  Of course, he got offended and tried to deny it but he knew in his SPIRIT that was the Truth. 
So if you don’t want to be a disobedient stinky sick piggy piggy, my advise is take the simple test.        DON’T FEED THE MONSTERS EVIL SUGAR MONSTERS 
Contact me to help you get rid of them.  

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