BBQ LOL like the Days of Noah

      My friends texted me that they were having birthday party at a Korean BBQ for one of my best friends. I asked GOD, “GOD, Are WHEEE (me and GOD) going to her birthday party at the BBQ? as I was walking in the train station parking lot to go to work.  IMMEDIATELY, I saw this license plate.  BBQ LOL WOW GOD HOW DO YOU DO THAT?  That was GOD saying, “Yes Stace WHEEE are going to her party and there will lots of laughing.   I thought, “WOOO HOOO. Let’s go party!”
When I get off the train after work, I ALWAYS ask GOD, “Where do WHEEE go now GOD?”  HE said, “Sprouts”  I said, “No GOD, WHEEE have to go to Verizon first because WHEEE have to pay the Internet bill.”  HE said, “Sprouts” again.  I whined, “NO GOD Why are YOU saying Sprouts?  WHEEE have to go to Verizon first to pay the Internet bill.” My roommate was out of town, the bill was late so I had no internet.  I whined, “GOD…. YOU know I like it when YOU tell me where to go but first WHEEE have to go to Verizon.”  HE said, “Sprouts” again.  I strongly argued, “GOD why are YOU telling me Sprouts when WHEEE have to go to Verizon first?  YOU’RE supposed to tell me Step by Step just like YOU told Noah how to build The Ark. If YOU didn’t tell Noah Step by Step where to put each piece of wood then The Ark would have sunk.  I want and need YOU to tell me Step by Step.  I ALWAYS want to be in THE PERFECT WILL OF GOD, not the Permissive or my will because I don’t want to get distracted by the enemy to keep me from GOD’S destiny for me.
So I went to Verizon, not Sprouts like GOD said to, to pay the bill.  Well did you know if you don’t have the bill and it’s not in your name, that you need the social security number of the person the Internet is registered to?  You can’t just give them the phone number or address to pay the bill. DUHHH You need the social security number.  Are you kidding me?  To pay a bill? It’s not like I’m taking money, I’m giving them money. And of course, I couldn’t get a hold of my roommate.  So it took way longer with way more hassle and frustration to make the payment. 
Then I went to Sprouts.  Then went home to get ready to go to my friend’s birthday party at the BBQ so WHEEE can LOL. But it was bugging me that GOD said to go to Sprouts first when HE knew I had to get the bill paid so I could have access to the internet.  Then I Mapquested the Korean BBQ.  And guess where it was?  Yup right near the Verizon Store.  
GOD said, “See Stace, WHEEE could have paid the Verizon bill before WHEEE got to the party….”  OOPS Forgive me GOD.  BUT THANK YOU GOD FOR CORRECTING ME.  YOU made me SUPER DUPER HAPPY AND RELIEVED because YOU know I want YOU to tell me what to do STEP by STEP.
WHEEE went in and my friends were already eating.  I very rarely eat out.  First because most places don’t serve ORGANIC.  GOD has taught me to eat ONLY ORGANIC because HE knows EVERY SINGLE INGREDIENT in every thing we put in our mouths.  The enemy thru people is using Chemical Warfare against us.  The enemy could be using stuff that could make us ill and kill us.  Secondly, my SUPER YUMMY DELICIOUS and TOTALLY  NUTRITIOUS Organic Raw Rainbow Meals with my own creation of Salad dressing WHEEE’VE named “Licking The Bowl” is ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY DEFINITELY better than eating a bunch of meat.  Meat that is pumped full of hormones, antibiotics and whatever else they sneak in that comes from over-crowded, stressed out unhappy animals.    
I just came to be with my friends.  But as I sat there I was getting TOTALLY GROSSED out.  All of a sudden GOD was giving me an OPEN EYED VISION or TRANCE.  It felt like I was watching one of those WEIRD SCARY CIRCUS MOVIES in SLOOOOW…. MOOOOTION….  My friends turned into the evil clowns and laughing all creepy saying “Haaaa Haaaa Haaaa this… is… so… much…. fun….” as they are gorging on meat that they were cooking on a grill in the middle of the table. Before they ran out, the waitress would come and ask them if they wanted more and they ordered more.  It was all you can eat.  I just sat there horrified watching them in disbelief.  It made my heart sad and my stomach sick. 
Oh trust me if I could eat like that and not suffer the consequences, I probably would. But the ONLY THINGS that FIGHT and REVERSE the CURSE of  DISEASE and AGING are Raw Organic Veggies, Fruits and Herbs. AND… made fresh Healthy Living Alkaline, Energized, Smaller Molecules for Better Hydration and Detoxification, Loaded with Hydrogen aka the Good Guys that eats the Free Radicals aka The Bad Guys KANGEN Water.  Contact me at 951-533-5343 for more info on Kangen.
I know about nutrition and what causes disease body fat and aging.  GOD has healed me of Lung Cancer and other health issues SUPER… NATURALLY.  HE did the SUPER by “telling” even MAKING me eat foods HE made and STOP eating stuff HE didn’t make.  If GOD made it, EAT it.  If man made it or MODIFIED it, DELETE it.  I had to do the NATURALLY.  I EAT what GOD tells me but MORE IMPORTANTLY I DON’T eat what GOD tells me.  GOD made our food to be our medicine.  I didn’t have to take drugs that kill the cancer cells but also damage our organs.  THANKS BE TO GOD. 
Eating a bunch of meat is DEFINITELY not healthy or life giving to your digestive system, liver and kidneys.  Especially if you are older.  These friends were in their 40’s, 50’s maybe 60’s.  When you eat meat, you need to eat it with veggies because the veggies have digestive enzymes in them that help digest the meat.  When you get older, you don’t have as many digestive enzymes to help with digestion. Then the meat just sits in your digestive system and PUTREFIES!   EWWWWW.
Stace says, “Yada know I am a Carnivore. I do eat meat.”  But GOD has taught me, it has to be organic and about the size of my palm.  Yup :/ Portion Control.  GOD had to crucify my flesh and made me stop eating big portions of flesh.  HE hasn’t told me to go Vegan or Vegetarian.  JESUS ate and even cooked meat - Fish for HIS DISCIPLES. I eat my YUMMY DELICIOUS SUPER NUTRITIOUS well balanced meals with Raw Organic Rainbow Veggies, cooked meat and a good healthy fat because I WANT and LOVE to now, not because I have to. 
Oh Stace says, “Yada also know lots of people wash down their foods with liquids. But this causes more digestion problems.  Scientifically, your stomach should be “dry”.  So when you eat food, your digestive acids can “melt” the food into teeny tiny particles for your cells to absorb and use for energy.  When we don’t chew our food thoroughly enough and don’t have enough digestive enzymes, the food particles cause lots and lots of digestion problems like Leaky Gut Syndrome, Heart Burn, Acid Reflux, Bloating, Gas… that eventually cause worse health problems. 
As I sat there watching this SLOW MOTION CIRCUS weird scary vision or trance of my friends just eating all this flesh, GOD opens up the vision even bigger.  Now I’m looking around at the whole restaurant.  It seems as everyone is doing the same thing.  Eating, drinking, talking, laughing and enjoying themselves.  But it didn’t feel right to me.   Then I looked up at the ceiling and I saw a single small window at the top of this huge, All You Can Eat Buffet Style Restaurant.  One little tiny window.  I IMMEDIATELY thought of Noah’s Ark.   Then I heard GOD say, “Stace Just like the Days of Noah.”  I could tell GOD was sad. 

Matthew 24 Amplified Bible (AMP)
Signs of Christ’s Return
36 “But of that [exact] day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son [in His humanity], but the Father alone. 37 For the coming of the Son of Man (the Messiah) will be just like the days of Noah. 38 For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the [very] day when Noah entered the ark, 39 and they did not know or understand until the flood came and swept them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be [unexpected judgment]. 40 At that time two men will be in the field; one will be [h]taken [for judgment] and one will be left. 41 Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken [for judgment] and one will be left.
Be Ready for His Coming
42 “So be alert [give strict attention, be cautious and active in faith], for you do not know which day [whether near or far] your Lord is coming. 43 But understand this: If the head of the house had known what time of the night the thief was coming, he would have been on the alert and would not have allowed his house to be broken into. 44 Therefore, you [who follow Me] must also be ready; because the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not expect Him.
45 “Who then is the faithful and wise servant whom his master has put in charge of his household to give the others [in the house] their food and supplies at the proper time? 46 Blessed is that [faithful] servant when his master returns and finds him doing so. 47 I assure you and most solemnly say to you that he will put him in charge of all his possessions. 48 But if that servant is evil and says in his heart, ‘My master is taking his time [he will not return for a long while],’ 49 and begins to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards; 50 the master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour of which he is not aware, 51 and will cut him in two and put him with the hypocrites; in that place there will be weeping [over sorrow and pain] and grinding of teeth [over distress and anger].

GOD is calling us to be HOLY, Whole, Healed, Healthy, Wealthy and Happy to GLORIFY HIM and HIS KINGDOM of RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE and JOY! GOD LOVINGLY, GRACIOUSLY and MERCIFULLY picked us to be HOLY (means to Stand out) to make other people want that something SUPER NATURALLY WONDERFUL and SPECIAL that we have.  GOD picked us to have that CLOSE INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP and to give us life better than we can IMAGINE.  THANK JESUS because HE sacrificed HIS life so we can go to HEAVEN and to ENJOY HEAVEN ON EARTH.  
If GOD is “telling” you to do something, DO IT so HE can bless you. If GOD is “telling” you to STOP doing something, STOP IT, so HE can BLESS you. GOD knows the Future.  HE knows if you do something it can become a BLESSING or an OH…NO…. HE knows what Disease or Dis-ease (lack of peace of mind) you will get if you keep eating or doing stuff that’s not healthy.  Lots of Christians think that GOD doesn’t care what they eat.  They think they can bless the food and it’s good. Ummm  GOD warned Adam and Eve not to eat from the Tree of Good and Evil but they ate from it.  We are still paying for their disobedience.  GOD only wants to BLESS us but HE can’t if we are doing things that are BLOCKING our BLESSINGS.  GOD is our LOVING DADDY IN HEAVEN, FATHER GOD, KING and CREATOR of The HEAVENS and The Earth.  

HE’S also THE BOSS in charge of RELEASING Judgement and HIS BLESSINGS.  Don’t be like the people that GOD was so unhappy with that HE got rid of them.  Noah which means REST in Hebrew, RESTED in the LOVE, PROTECTION PROVISION and PRESENCE of GOD.  GOD is not mean but HE means what HE says.  If you LOVE ME, you will OBEY me and I will BLESS you.  I’d rather be BLESSED by GOD than not BLESSED.   

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