Attacked by The Evil Sugar Monster at Costco

     The other day I was at Costco.  I LOVE COSTCO.  Costco has lots of Organic Stuff and they keep getting more and more.  I usually don’t eat the samples unless it’s Organic.  I don’t eat sugar or anything that’s not Organic.  I haven’t in years years.  GOD has healed me of Lung Cancer.   GOD has taught me to eat Raw Organic Rainbow veggies with a small portion of Organic meat.  So I eat what GOD tells me and maybe what’s MORE Important I DON’T eat what GOD tells me.  GOD knows every single ingredient and HE knows the Future.  Cancer FEEDS and GROWS on SUGAR.  But this time I let the Demon of Dumbness or more like the Evil Sugar Monster take over.  
They were giving out yummy samples this time. I was weak.  I was sampling and sampling Dark Chocolate Almond Bark Candy and Kirkland’s version of Haagen Daaz Ice Cream bars.  I kept walking by and getting samples and my friend Tim would get me more.  I was thinking “Oh… it’s YOU GOD just BLESSING me with some treats.  It won’t hurt once in a while and I never eat this stuff.  Gee Thanks GOD”  BUT DUHHHH I knew in my SPIRIT, I shouldn’t have eaten it but my flesh just kept saying “Mmmm Yummy More More More.” 
Nope it wasn’t GOD BLESSING me, it was HIM TEACHING ME A LESSON.  SUGAR IS OF SATAN…. OH…. THAT NIGHT AND THE NEXT DAY I WAS SO STIFF ACHY AND SWOLLEN.   I COULD BARELY MOVE.  MY WHOLE BODY FELT SWOLLEN and INFLAMED. YUK I felt like how I think an old person feels.  YIKES  WORSE YET, I think I was DEPRESSED.   Huh What’s that?  I didn’t know what it was at first because  I don’t get depressed.  But I felt like I had a dark cloud hovering over me.  I kept asking GOD, “WHAT’S GOING ON WITH ME?  I feel horrible.” I whined, “GOD, Stacey Yada doesn’t like this. THIS IS NOT ME”  Then HE said in HIS still small voice, “You ate sugar.”  I GASPED…. “I DID…. HUH?”  I HAVE INFLAMMATION!  MY WHOLE BODY IS INFLAMED.  OH MY GOSH HOW DO PEOPLE DO THIS EVERY DAY?  THIS FEELS HORRIBLE.”    
I was in shock.  Honestly, at first I couldn’t believe it.  But then I did realize, “It had to be the sugar.”  WOW… I didn’t think it could affect me that bad BUT it did.  People that are used to eating like this don’t realize they feel bad or not as good as they don’t know they can.  They just think that’s normal for them.  People don’t realized stuff like Sugary drinks, Pasteurized Milk, breads, tortillas, pastas, rice grains are what I call “SUGAR BELOW THE NECK.”  Yup once we chew and swallow these things they become SUGAR BELOW THE NECK.  And I only ate sugar one day.  I can’t imagine eating sugar every day.  Yeah, it tastes so good.   BUT it’s TOTALLY NOT WORTH THE CONSEQUENCES the next couple of days.  
And it’s hard to stop.   What if I didn’t stop?  What if I couldn’t stop?Experts have proved that Sugar is more addicting than Heroin and Cocaine.  Heroin and Cocaine excite 1 part of the our brain.  SUGAR EXCITES 8 parts of our brain.  8 PARTS… Thru my research, opinion and experience, SUGAR IS A DRUG.  And again CANCER cells EAT and GROW on SUGAR.  
Then GOD gave me CONFIRMATION… when I “JUST HAPPENED UPON” that same evening (because HE really wanted to let me know that was HIM “telling” me and YES it was that IMPORTANT) an article by one of my favorite health experts Dr. Josh Axe.  He wrote SUGAR is directly linked DEPRESSION ANXIETY DEMENTIA  YUP CONFIRMATION…   And WRINKLES YIKES. WRINKLES TOO.  Nope no way.  
     Dr Axe wrote “In recent years, the over-consumption of added sugar has been implicated in heart disease, type-2 diabetes, dry and wrinkly skin, kidney failure, and more. And now, we’re beginning to learn about sugar and its negative impact on the brain and overall mental health. In fact, excessive consumption of sugar has been directly linked to major mental health concerns like depression, anxiety, and dementia.”
That scared me straight. Better than being wrinkly fat sick swollen scared and stupid   No more sugar for me.  Just the temporary  horrible side effects I felt after one moment of letting the Evil Sugar Monster take over was enough.  Speaking of THE Evil Sugar Monster when you eat sugar IT GETS WORSE.  Yup… The Evil Sugar Monster starts feeding what I’ve also named The Evil Sugar Monsters.  Yes MonsterS with an S.  In the Medical world it’s called Candida Albicans Overgrowth or Yeast.  It’s a living fungus that grows in your body that CRAVES and GROWS on sugary and refined foods but because it’s a living organism in your body… when The Evil Sugar MonsterS eat, that means they have to poop in your body…. EWWWW YUK THAT’S EVEN MORE DISGUSTING…. MAKES YOU STINK and IT’S  DANGEROUS. But it’s not really your fault. That’s a whole nother story.  Click here;postID=44408557590621512;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=0;src=postname

CONTACT ME TO HELP YOU GET RID OF THE Evil Sugar Monster and MonsterS.   I do Coaching, Counseling and Detoxing.  You can’t do this thru WILL POWER.

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